Saturday, April 16, 2011

God's Faithfulness is Everlasting

God's been good to us. We don't always understand life's circumstances, but we must trust God's plan to make us more like His Son Jesus. God's calling on my life is certain and lasting. We've endured much trials this past year, yet God has blessed us beyond measure.We have a wonderful bundle of joy sent from heaven during our most difficult times. Our new granddaughter SarahBelle, (10 months) has filled our family with unspeakable joy.
Our church has supported and encouraged us in our ministry beyond my highest expectations. God has blessed our ministry and our church. I believe He is preparing others in broadening our vision to other areas. There are so many wonderful home-bound people who are mostly forgotten by the world. They are in dire need of a caring helping hand. The needs are great.It burdens my heart for lack of other drivers. My doctor has limited my own activities due to several health issues.
One of my patients (Mr. Ezell Cotton) a wonderful, content, and Godly man; passed away this week. He brought much joy into my heart. We went on several Dr. visits. He was always giving the Lord praise for the blessings in his life. He didn't complain about anything and had a heart of joy as the cancer was slowly taking his life.
I am honored That God chose me for this vision. I'm just one sick person trying to help another get to the Doctor, share Jesus with them and their family. God makes the change. I just love them where they are.
God has also made possible for Marion Barton to assume my Nursing Home Worship Services locally. She is a simple woman of God with a passion for the residents. It is my honor to welcome her into this part of our ministry.
Until next time, may God bless all of you.
Love In Christ,
Bro. Rondel Story